10.10.10. Atlanta Pride Parade 40th Anniversary

Today it has been one of those days were the streets had an increidible energy. Colors and happiness was present in the air. The music came out from the cars, the bands played and most of all the parade was filled with pride. I never imagined I could see so many colors and so many people on Peachtree. Here I share with you a little of the excitement and visual fun I had with the camera. Last year I used a smaller camera but this time I used a big one and it was worth it. People stopeed by to smile at me. And also I got to see some faces I already recognize and some that I have no idea of. But most important is that Atlanta had one of coolest gay parades I've ever seen. And seriously what makes me happy is that people smiled at the camera and posed. Of course I would like to have taken photos from everything but this is a sampler of the coolest I got. The skies were clear, the crowds were cheering and I got to see not double rainbow (hahaha) but millions of rainbows in Atlanta.

If you know someone that is in the pictures please let them know. I would be happy to share.

Happy Pride Atlanta!


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